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How to estimate the price of heavy-duty shelves in Nantong?

Browse:3296 Release Date:2024/1/2 10:54:07【Big Middle Small

There are many types of heavy-duty shelves in Nantong, and Nantong shelf manufacturers will choose the type of shelf that suits customer needs based on factors such as cargo load, storage rate, and delivery rate. However, no matter how they choose, ultimately, all shelf manufacturers will consider the structure of the warehouse, the characteristics of the warehouse goods, warehouse loading and unloading equipment, the quantity of goods in the warehouse, and the accessibility of warehouse items when customizing shelves.
The Nantong heavy-duty storage rack adopts a fully assembled structure of column and beam, with a simple structure. It is generally referred to as a beam type rack or cargo space type rack, and belongs to the Nantong pallet type rack category. According to the characteristics of the storage unit container equipment, functional accessories such as partitions, steel wire mesh boards (wooden layer boards), cage guide rails, oil drum brackets, etc. can be added to meet the storage of goods in different forms of unit container equipment. Therefore, heavy-duty storage shelves have a wide range of applications in manufacturing, third-party logistics, and distribution centers. They are not only suitable for small batch products of multiple varieties, but also for large batch products of small varieties. How do we calculate the price of heavy-duty warehouse shelves? The summary is as follows, hoping to be helpful to you!
The cost of heavy-duty shelves first needs to determine which type of shelf can meet the needs of customers, and then calculate the number of repaired shelves based on the size of the shelf area and its own demand. If it is an accurate quantity, we can directly ask the warehouse manufacturer to calculate the exact quantity. We only know the size of the warehouse and do not know what storage shelves to use to save costs. Our engineers can make a planning chart and select a satisfactory solution for quotation. The cost of heavy-duty shelves does not have a fixed value.

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