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Why is the development of loft style shelves so rapid?

Browse:3768 Release Date:2023/11/9 11:16:19【Big Middle Small


   There are various types of shelves on the market, but according to industry data, the development of loft style shelves has been more prominent in recent decades. Many enterprises have started to replace the original yoked ordinary laminated shelves with a large number of loft style shelves. So why is Nantong loft style shelves so popular among businesses over the years? Let's take a look with the warehouse editor below!


Layered shelves


When it comes to the popularity of loft style shelves, it is necessary to know the current warehousing costs of enterprises. In recent years, land prices have been rising, and ordinary storage shelves must occupy more space. At this time, ordinary shelves have shown its own drawbacks - the utilization rate of storage space is not high. In this situation, in order to increase the storage capacity of the warehouse within a certain area, enterprises must consider countermeasures, and loft style shelves are a better choice.

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