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What factors affect the price of customized shelves

Browse:4719 Release Date:2022/9/24 18:06:01【Big Middle Small
Customization is a state of product production. Especially for industrial products, including storage shelves, this is the mainstream purchasing method. However, custom-made products are generally more expensive than finished products in terms of price. This is because it is strictly based on customer needs, and during the customization process, some uncertain factors can constantly affect the price of warehouse shelf customization.
Generally speaking, the price of customized storage shelves is composed of multiple factors. The first factor is the cost of raw materials. The steel used for manufacturing storage shelves is a major strategic resource along with petroleum, and the price of steel is a dynamic process during the corresponding period. The price of steel with different strength attributes also varies. The price difference often directly affects the quotation of shelves, so it is advisable to customize storage shelves early rather than late.
The demand for shelves purchased by users is one of the main factors affecting the quotation. The specific layout of the warehouse, such as the size of the customer's warehouse and the actual building area, affects the specific shelf layout design. The positioning of storage shelves and the specific relationship with other storage equipment will all be reflected in the design, which directly affects the pricing of customized shelves. Of course, nowadays shelf manufacturers have almost no design costs in their designs.
The operating costs and personnel expenses of enterprises may also affect the price of customized storage shelves. In fact, almost every city adjusts the salaries of its employees every year, which is directly implemented in the company's operations. And in order for enterprises to balance these things, a portion must be transferred to product profits, which means there will be corresponding adjustments in pricing.

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