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The conditions you need to pay attention to before purchasing

Browse:3679 Release Date:2022/2/14 11:54:25【Big Middle Small


Nantong shelving, also known as crossbeam shelving or laminated shelving, or cargo space shelving, belongs to the category of pallet shelving and laminated shelving, and is a common form of shelving in various warehouses in China. Adopting a column and beam fully assembled structure, the structure is simple and effective. According to the characteristics of the storage unit packaging equipment, functional accessories such as partitions, steel layer boards (wood layer boards), metal mesh layers, guide rails, oil drum brackets, etc. can be added. Suitable for different units of cargo consolidation equipment for storage. There are a variety of stored items, and Nantong shelves are equipped with pallets and various accessories, which can solve the storage and retrieval problems of the vast majority of items. The entry and exit machinery includes: balanced heavy-duty forklifts, forward moving forklifts




(1) Under normal circumstances, goods are packaged and stored on shelves for safekeeping through pallets, storage cages, and other unit loading equipment. The load-bearing capacity of each unit of heavy-duty crossbeam shelves is generally within 4000kg, with two units placed on each layer.

(2) Nantong shelves are one of the most common and widely used warehouse shelves, suitable for most warehouse goods or products.

(3) Featuring 100% free picking of goods. Forklifts and other loading and unloading machinery can reach any storage location for storage operations, making storage operations convenient and fast!

(4) The operation of using mechanical processing equipment for storage operations.

(5) Fully assembled structure, any combination, convenient and flexible installation and disassembly of Nantong shelves.

(6) The column formed by folding hot rolled plates at multiple angles has a relatively high load-bearing capacity.

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